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Torres del Paine Parque Nacional

semi-overcast 10 °C
View Around the world in 131 days 2009 on GIseger's travel map.

After a quick sleepover in Puerto Natales we headed off to Torres del Paine, on what we expected would essentially be the tour of Pain(e)... 3 days camping.... need i say more...

As we entered the park is was hard to imagine the sight that layed before us. The terrain was very much like all we had seen. Dry, windswept and rather beige. We arrived at the park and set off to do the Torres walk to the famous towers. Now dont get me wrong, Philip and I are most definitely not athletes, but we are young and pretty determined, so we had decided to partake on a 22km Torres hike in just 9 hours, in a national park that is quite known for the intensity of its hikes. So off we set, and to our suprise we made it alot further that expected, we never really set any goal, apart from to give it a good shot and when we got to the Campimiente Torres at the base of the towers, time was our enemy and we realised we didnt have time to do the last 2km up to the Torres, so we stopped for a nice lunch and then head back.

The walk was intense, the first 1.5 hours was steep, rocky, windy and relentless with no space for rest, and with a brand new pair of hiking shoes to wear in, I couldnt see myself making it any further... however we kept at it and made it to Camp Chileano in another hour and then onto Campimento Torres. In all my excitement for the end of the hike being in such close sight, I twisted my foot on the way down, and we got down, I dosed up with anti-inflamitories... and prayed I hadnt done any serious damage and luckily I hadnt.

The next day we had a quiet day in the park, you see we located a small hostel with english TV, heating, and cheap beer. Here we watched Beverly Hills 90210 in its vintage glory and touched base with the rest of the world online. It was complete Bliss. It was St Patricks day and Claire, Stephanie and Michelle (the Irish Gals) had organised a Traditional Irish Celebration ... involing, drink, dance and one particular song that repeated the words ...... oh my my my my my my my my my july.,..... I must say if I never hear that song again in my life, it will still be too soon.

Next day was for recovery... bones were still sore from trek...


Posted by GIseger 09:51 Archived in Chile Tagged tourist_sites

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bugger bout the ankle mate and not reaching the pinnacle but your puttin in a fine effort my friend! sounds exhilirating :)by the way is phillip in love with that green jacket? :P

by kiitsch

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